Downing Strategic Micro-Cap Investment Trust PLC
(in Members' Voluntary Liquidation) ("the Company")
On 21 February 2025 the Company's shareholders passed a resolution to place the Company into liquidation and Derek Hyslop and Richard Barker were appointed as Joint Liquidators on the same day.
In accordance with the circular issued to shareholders on 29 January 2025 (the “Circular”), shareholders will be aware that it is anticipated that the Initial Distribution to Ordinary Shareholders of 2.0 pence per Share will be made during the week commencing 3 March 2025.
Should Shareholders have any queries regarding their holding in the Company, or if they wish to notify the Registrar of a change of address or other personal details, they should write to Computershare Investor Services plc, The Pavilions, Bridgewater Road, Bristol, BS99 6ZZ or call 0370 703 0195 (from within the UK) or +44 370 703 0195 (from outside the UK).
Should shareholders have any other queries in relation to the liquidation of the Company, they should contact the Joint Liquidators at below email address:
D N Hyslop and R P Barker are licensed in the United Kingdom to act as Insolvency Practitioners by The Insolvency Practitioners Association. As Insolvency Practitioners, they are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics in carrying out all professional work relating to the appointment.
The Joint Liquidators may act as data controllers of personal data as defined by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (as incorporated in the Data Protection Act 2018), depending upon the specific processing activities undertaken. Ernst & Young LLP and/or the Company may act as a data processor on the instructions of the Joint Liquidators. Personal data will be kept secure and processed only for matters relating to the Joint Liquidators' appointment. The Office Holder Data Privacy Notice can be found at www.ey.com/uk/officeholderprivacy.